My lilac bush is in full bloom. It is so beautiful. I was sitting on the patio enjoying the sun yesterday morning when I heard splashing in the bird bath. The first guest was a beautiful Robin. I believe it was a male due to the deep, rich colors. He has having a grand time bathing and fluffing his feathers. Once he was finished playing in the "bathtub" he flew to one of the trees and sat in the sun. He was probably enjoying the nice warm weather as much as I was. I went back to daydreaming when I heard a distinctive little peep near the bird bath. I turned to see a new visitor. This time it was a Black Phoebe. It wasn't interested in bathing, it was thirsty. It sat on the edge and continually dipped its tiny beak in the water taking little sips. Phoebes have a very distinctive trait. While sitting, they bob their tails up and down. This little creature was no exception. They also "eat on the fly." As it left the drinking hole, it flew across the yard in a bit of a zig zag pattern. It was probably grabbing a quick snack in mid-air before touring the neighborhood.
After my little friends had flown off, I sat in awe as the gentle breeze blew the rich fragrance of lilac my way. Ahh ...... Spring has definitely Sprung!
I love mom had a big bush, I have had them too in other houses...yours is beautiful. I too am enjoying spring, although I think this is my worst year to date of very few that I notice my eyes/throat reacting to pollin.
What a beautiful moment. Thank you for sharing. Spring is my favorite time of year. The world looks so happy and alive. I LOVE your know how much I adore purple. See you tommorow!
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